We have a buyer in Mississippi who wants all the live rabbits we can sell him.

( Log Out /  If you want more add a doe and double it. We have been trying to find a way to buy our food by the pallet or in bulk. I wish the parents would stay more involved! I only compost the chicken manure.

I’ve scoured the internet for information on the subject most of which I found to be outdated or with the intention on selling me something. Keep weights on the parents, the offspring and how many in each litter. Compost the manure sift it and bag it up to sell to gardeners.

Because of the complimentary nature, many rabbit raisers also raise earthworms (or Red Wigglers). But a profit is hard to come by with rabbits but it can be done. By raising your own meat rabbits, butchering and processing them yourself for your own consumption it is totally worth it! I prefer natural colors and have found that local homesteaders would rather have natural colors than dyed pelts. I’m in Maine and hoping to start raising for meat in the next year or so. I do believe that rabbits can be profitable, and there are some rabbities that are, but keep in mind, RABBITS ARE A VOLUME BUSINESS, bottom line. Young Money Rabbit "When Everything's Gone" (Official Music Video) youngmoneyrabbit@gmail.com Shot/Edited By HusVision LLC To get your next project shot … (I think) It’s either a 40lb or a 50lb I forget. What Supplies Do You Need? Great info! by eight weeks of age, and most certainly by 11 weeks. This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks. A few questions I have for you.What happens with your off cuts or waste? Even when applied fresh, it will not burn plants. Change ).
Would you suggest going to a local breeder for our startup does and bucks? I have been trawling the net and youtube looking for exactly what you have here. You can sell the fiber or products made for the fiber, I find this to be a good bartering item, if you happen to spin, angora blend yarns can sell for a premium If you have an eye towards that expensive angora wool. Definitely helps, thanks! Keep records up to date and tattoo every rabbit you plan on keeping. Is it legal to sell rabbit meat locally, to the general public, in Maine? People see a $75 show animal and think wow $75 if I sold 6 per litter that’s $450 and six litters per year is…wow that’s a lot! Just thought you should know that rabbit manure isn’t the only manure that can go right into the garden without being composted first.

Any help is appreciated. Can’t wait to go through all the back posts. A quarter’s worth of food isn’t a big thing, but a quarter’s worth of food multiplied by 100 rabbits adds up a great deal on a daily and monthly basis! Here is a post I did about using the complete rabbit https://riseandshinerabbitry.com/2012/02/11/nose-to-tail-uses-for-every-part-of-the-domestic-rabbit/ You mentioned tattooing the rabbits. Takes six bucks so figured I would try. I thank you alot because i had not considered selling the manure or the hides, and you just gave me another way of making money out of the rabbits.

Could you tell me about what the cost would be? Recently I’ve began raising rabbits for myself again, and introducing my children to the wonderful and great learning experience of raising rabbits. Manage for efficiency.

Will dig through your previous posts to find what else I can learn! Taking care of 230 does does not seem like a good time to me, and would probably take all the fun I get our of raising rabbits.

If the fryers will be sold to a meat processor it should be noted that some facilities will not accept fryers over 11 weeks old. In order for the cost of the meat produced by a backyard operation to be equal to or possibly better than what would be spent at the supermarket, each doe should successfully raise 36 fryers per year (six litters of six fryers each).

Another meat market would be pet owners that feed their animals the BARF (Bones And Raw Food) diet.

And the meat is great! It is a hobby and a lifestyle for me. I was thinking making 25 does to start. BARFers, as they are called, aim to provide their cats and dogs a more natural diet than kibbles. Thanks, glad you like the site. With conversion ratios of about 5 to 1 (five pounds of food to make one pound of live rabbit, and I pay cents 30 cents a pound in feed) that means it cost me $1.50 to make a pound of live rabbit (not including labor and startup), So, to make a 3 pound fryer I need a 6 pound rabbit which cost me $9. ( Log Out /  Do you have any idea as to the legalities of this? Otherwise, Just raise 2 does and a buck. I use a master notebook I keep in the house and hutch cards on each cage. As a child my family used to raise all kinds of animals including rabbits just for the enjoyment of having animals, but also for personal consumption. I was interested in getting rabbits for homesteading. Remember they are making more money than you and their profit is higher they have no rabbits to feed, they buy them as cheap as possible and sell them as high as they can. And what are the benefits? If you want to sell rabbit meat legally in Maine, your rabbit must be slaughtered by a licensed USDA rabbit processor (Weston meat cutting is the only one I know of). Create a free website or blog at WordPress.com.

There are lots of swindlers in the meat market. If you have 40-50 working does depending on breed you might have 100-250 bunnies in boxes and growing at all times.

This seems like a way to make enough money so you can feed your family for free.

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control your own food source without government intrusion. Glad you are going to keep raising rabbits! how is it spun?

I am getting into farmiing and raising meat rabbits for sale is one thing I am considering, strongly. Disclosure. The benefits are a nice odor free dry time release capsule of nutrients for your garden! Have you any information on angorha rabbits and how to cultivate their wool? In order to get top dollar for your stock you have to make a name for yourself. One thing, is watching Pennies to make a profit. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. Absolutely. I usually sell my rabbits for meat and for pets here and there. A reasonable starting point might be one buck and three does.

I could not agree more. 45 Tracks. Perhaps when you hit 30 does that might change your mind or perhaps you will find that covering your feed costs is just not worth it! RABBIT SUPPLIES- There is a saying, “There is money in rabbits it’s just getting it out of them that’s hard”! Caleb and his family raise multiple rabbit breeds, …

You will not be able to quit your day job. I was worried about the cost of feeding them. Of course a big part of having rabbits is enjoying them. My meat fryers have lived a better life than some of the pet rabbits I have sold. Ideally fryers should reach “market weight” of 4.5 to 5 lbs.

This means from the wasted feed to the poop to the meat to the offspring to the furs.