Our days in education are amongst some of the most important and impacting, so what did yours lead to? You'd never want to get caught looking shabby because it would work against your public persona. Even if you'd never consider joining the actual cheer squad doesn't mean that cooperating with people and encouraging others isn't in your blood. The sociable Gemini personality loves the limelight and has great acting potential. There are many astrological schools and, with the rise of the Internet, more and more courses are being offered, especially on-line. Scorpio is without doubt one of the most likely zodiac signs to get arrested and back in high school it was exactly the same story. Leo is one very talented zodiac sign and this horoscope sign also loves being in the spotlight! by Michelle Regna. High school was probably the time were lots of you discovered who you were, what you liked and what you wanted to be. Chances are you don't fit neatly into the classic cliques, and you're more likely to embrace subcultures that are more on the fringe. Cancer was probably guilty of starting a few rumors back in the day and definitely spent lots of their time surmising who was dating who. In fact, they're completely drawn in by your mystique. Legal notice They know that this is the way that they are. Virgos are known for being book-smart perfectionists. Sagittarius is known as one of the funniest zodiac signs and never failed to make people laugh in their student days. Contact us, The reproduction of cards is authorized by Groupe France Cartes, Your request is being dealt with, we will contact you shortly. You try really hard at everything you do, and that usually extends beyond academics, which is why you'd make a great class president. Capricorn is at their happiest when they are a million miles away from the pressures of their job and able to concentrate on the simple pleasures that life has to offer. The mysterious Scorpio has a reputation for being secretive and enigmatic, meaning almost no one can keep up with them. Gemini was also one of the biggest rebels in class and often found themselves in detention. All eyes are on you for good reason. Discover what your zodiac sign was voted most likely to in high school. Capricorn was the kid in high school who would always be the first to answer in math class when everyone else was totally lost and confused. From sports games to chilling on the bleachers it was certainly an impacting time to experience. You have ideas that are completely unique to you, and you're compelled to express them in some way. Discover your destiny with the help of a Psychic! Capricorn is the hardest-working zodiac sign. The purpose of the ISAR Affiliated School Program is to create an educational resource for astrologers worldwide. Mean Girls Aries (March 21st to April 19th) The person who participates in a foreign student exchange program in the middle of their junior year even though most people don’t study abroad until college – and then comes back senior year and seems cooly disinterested in all the ever-present drama. Leo loves to be loved and has exactly what it takes to captivate a doting audience, making it likely that you're the school's queen bee, or at least one of the popular kids. HERE to find out the type of student you are, based on your zodiac sign. Out of all the zodiac signs, you're most likely to be an overachieving straight-A student. Disney. Add to library 32 Discussion 30. General sales conditions After all, you have to do something with all that pent-up enthusiasm. Discover what each zodiac sign was like back in high school. High school may seem like a way back but the memories will certainly live on forever. Looking back, whether you loved it or absolutely hated it, no one can deny that high school was one of the most impacting periods for each of the zodiac signs. Taurus is a very materialistic zodiac sign and probably needs to become a millionaire to finance their flashy lifestyle. Back in the day, Aquarius was the reigning champion of all chess competitions. Taurus is definitely one of the smartest zodiac signs when it comes to money and knows a good investment when they see one! High school is such an exciting time and whether we loved it or hated it, the memories of those special times will never fade away. Scorpio was always in detention, never did their homework and often skipped class. You dress well, speak well and appreciate fine things. Underneath their cheery and fun exterior, Aquarius hides a competitive and critical mind which helps explain why they were reigning champions. The idea of hanging out with just one group of people completely baffles you, and you find yourself floating from group to group depending on the day. If any sign knows drama, it's Cancer. Aquarius has a knack for seeing things that other people don’t necessarily pick up on. In fact, there might be a little bit of those stereotypes in all of us. . Like us on Facebook to see similar stories. Are you curious what your zodiac sign was like as a kid? Sagittarius is a rambunctious sign that's always laughing and joking around, making you a shoo-in for the title of class clown. Data protection Our zodiac signs are responsible for giving us the prominent character traits that make us stand out and so loveable. That can be a powerful talent to have when it's time to channel your feelings on stage. It’s time for a major throwback to find out what you were like back in the day. Libra’s natural charm and good sense of humor meant they had a whole flock of friends in high school and were always invited to the coolest parties. Admit it Aries, you loved being the center of attention at having people look up to you and not much has changed. If you're in high school, you've probably quickly discovered that most of your fellow students don't neatly fit into the stereotypes you know from the movies. Discover what each zodiac sign was voted most likely to back in the day! Even if you're not the type to disrupt the classroom with your antics, you pride yourself in your strong sense of humor and your ability to make people laugh. Scroll down to your zodiac sign to find out which one matches you most closely. Gemini was born to be on stage and is a natural entertainer. To help you make your choice, check out our advisor's specialities, tarifs and reviews. Who are we ? What was written about you in your year book? Zodiac Academy. Pisces females are like this. Virgo has always had the reputation for being one of the most intelligent zodiac signs, even back in high school. The twelve zodiac signs portrayed as high school students who all love, hate, and despise each other. You're probably friendly and encouraging with people, and though you may not actually be on any of the official sports teams at school you still try to keep active. Even Without A Horoscope, The Zodiac Signs … Pisces has always been one of the most creative zodiac signs and really loved showing their visions of things when they were in high school. Our personalities are what make us stand out from the crowd and are what help people form an impression of us. I’ve always been completely fascinated by the world of Astrology and horoscopes. Cancer is by far one of the most romantic zodiac signs and truly believes in love and solid relationships. July 20, 2019 hellymg . Your sensitive nature and flair for putting on a show make you a natural actor. Chances are that you're an artist in some form, whether it's through visual or performing arts. The AFA SuperStar Course has helped thousands learn astrology. Trump has coronavirus: Who is Hope Hicks, the president’s closest aide? Still, chances are that you're not one of the arrogant bullies that frequently appear in movies and on TV shows. This phase occurred on August 15, 2019. Cancer loves the idea of falling in love at first sight and going on to marry and live happily ever after. With their natural star power and love of being the center of attention, it should hardly come as a surprise that Leo is voted the most likely zodiac sign to become famous. Though you can be a little self-centered, you also pride yourself in your ability to make other people happy. Our experts are available to answer all of your questions right now! Your art allows you to do just that. The Moon will be located on the opposite side of the Earth as the Sun and its face will be fully illuminated. Scorpio never likes to open their heart too much and often disappears off the radar when they feel that they are in too deep. The first zodiac sign loves the idea of being a pioneer and having people look up to them and admiring their collection of talents. Our experts are readyto answer your questions Call 1-857-214-4450. Libra is a sign that craves harmony and loves to lift up others, making you a natural-born cheerleader. You do well in your classes because you push yourself and you strongly dislike failure, and when you mess up, you're highly critical of your mistakes. Some zodiac signs are more sensitive than others. As much as you like taking things on because you know they'll look impressive on your resume, you also like pushing yourself to be the best that you can be. Capricorn is very much an old soul and fantasizes about living simply and far away from the hassles of modern life. Please check the fields below and click the OK button. This has the potential to turn you into a major slacker, but if you have it in you, you can actually achieve anything. Pisces definitely has what it takes to blow people away with their talents and make it big on a worldwide scale. Cancer may be one of the most sensitive zodiac signs but that’s not to say they don’t love a good gossip. You exude cool, and wherever you go, people are likely to follow. The Taurus personality was definitely the sports superstar back in high school and broke all the records on the playing field. Taurus was definitely a great all-rounder and commanded respected everywhere they went. what each zodiac sign was like back in high school. Astrological Schools We would strongly advise any astrologer who wishes to practise as a professional to obtain a recognised qualification. Libra has a wise head on their shoulders and dreams of making a difference to the world. Editor in Chief and Astrologist for MyAstroMag - Sometimes, you can be a little too focused on your work, prioritizing your studies over your social and personal lives. Sagittarius loves being at one with nature and hates staying in the same place for too long. Virgo dreams of leaving a positive impact on society and loves fighting for people’s rights, they’re not shy when it comes to debating either. Taurus cares a lot about the way they appear to the outside world. Astrology is such a rich field of information about who we are as people. Our Aries friends are full of surprises and love proving to people how talented they are. Need a more precise description of what you're like in school? All readings are 100% risk free, confidential and anonymous.. Astrology is such a rich field of information about who we are as people.Our zodiac signs are responsible for giving us the prominent character traits that make us stand out and so loveable. FAQ - Frequently asked questions You're never satisfied to be part of just one clique, and you have school friends from all walks of life. Libra is the epitome of peace, tranquility and serenity, traits which naturally make them great candidates for the Nobel peace. The Zodiac Signs As "High School Musical" Characters. BuzzFeed Staff. The fiery Aries personality is a natural leader and loves organizing things to make them feel powerful, which is why they no doubt became student president.