“The fact Dharma source code has been made widely available led to the increase in the number of operators deploying it,” Oleg Skulkin, senior digital forensics specialist with Group-IB, said in an analysis of the attacks posted Monday. Kate Shemirani resist the vaccines and COVID -20 The only reason why a moon may appear to be blue is due to smoke and dust particles in the atmosphere, which may make the moon take on a bluish hue. Comes amid tensions with US forces in the region, and after clashes last year The constant page updating, combined with the heavy demands on my system’s resources, driving my CPU to burn up and the fan to run at full speed ahead, is totally unacceptable. The deputy director of the city’s medical university also said that while the region had always been in a coronavirus ‘red zone,’ the situation was deteriorating further with daily hospitalizations reaching 1,100. 5.5 Quake near LAX and felt till Sandi ego CA and wide rage. Let me know if i can be more help. I remembered Rodney King situations with riots was same case almost. This, of course, means that Halloween 2020 is about to be … i think we will have a lot of them. Be prepared for the Belarusian army and the closing of its borders with Lithuania and Poland. Mohsen BC. World is watching we must set an example other wise we all are finished. Naturally it will backfire, and they will turn into a steaming turd. Happy New Year to all Israel and all Jewish people around the globe. Why not Robert Levin-son was on the list of negotiations. Despite that these cybercriminals use quite common tactics, techniques and procedures they have been quite effective.”. Ignoring US forever wars by hot and other means worldwide along with Iran’s peace and stability agenda, he said: “We’re not going to allow them to do business in the world (sic).”, “We’re not going to allow them to create the very wealth that destroys the opportunity for peace in the region (sic).”. When people take the trouble to install ad blockers and refuse cookies, it isn’t so they can be digitally raped by intrusive, offending displays of naked greed. For the next two years, he rarely left home. He talks to other virtual YouTubers about things such as online games. Pompeo threatens to light the fuse in Persian Gulf The US has sent a carrier strike group to the Middle Eastern region amid rising speculation about a clash with Iran. Strange Sounds please ASAp write about this quake . The unnamed Trump regime turned truth on its head, telling Reuters: “Iran is clearly doing everything it can to keep in existence a virtual turnkey capability to get back into the weaponization business at a moment’s notice should it choose to do so (sic).”, He lied adding that “Iran wants a nuclear weapons capability and the means to deliver it (sic).” More information on Fox10Phoenix, CNET, Strange Sounds and Steve Quayle. to use arm against each others. Create. We also saddened by death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg as well. Fire FOX 80.01 with U ad free with ad block plus should do it. and junk your Microsoft since always they get viruses? Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Mohsen BC. He got married and had two children. and there will be bloods in street of USA starting tonight. This current understanding is believed to be a 1946 misinterpretation of the original definition, which was used as a source for a nationally syndicated radio programme in the United States in 1980. Concerns are mounting ISIS is reemerging and rebuilding its power in the region Volcanic eruptions and forest fires can give the moon a bluish tint, thanks to the ash and smoke released into the air, according to NASA. No deals with Iran yes to full embargo for Iran! Be curious! IRAN has unveiled its latest naval ballistic missile which doubles its military strike range and is capable of destroying US bases in the Gulf. “Every time zone has it except those east of (GMT) +8 time zones if they have daylight time, or (GMT) +9 with no daylight time,” Hunt says. Then Terrorist regime of Iran said he sold it to Asian gangs. “In addition, Group-IB experts saw the threat actors’ attempt to brute-force accounts on an Iranian video streaming service.”. The U.S. did not respond, instead claiming to have restored “deterrence” against Iran. We need keep praying things can be changed we all have less calamity . The same goes multiple times over for US-dominated NATO — an unparalleled threat to world peace and stability. USS Nimitz aircraft carrier enters Persian Gulf after Pompeo’s threats against Iran He was unable to deliver the expected results and gradually started distancing himself from his colleagues. Iran Health Workers Battle Covid Surge, Tehran Hospitals Run Out of Beds. In stark contrast, Iran hasn’t attacked another country in centuries. In some attacks, attackers also attempted to elevate privileges using an exploit for an elevation privilege flaw. As if 2020 wasn’t crazy enough, a combination of rare lunar events will make this Halloween extra-special. The next 48 Hours is crucial. ! Phio’s dream is to create a virtual community where people can spend the majority of their time, where they can have a full life. I ask again please be patient and have only peaceful demonstrations and exercise freedom of constitution but when is get verbally offensive is not good for no one. Really, please take note. Now regarding Full Moon of 31 OCT i knew we would have double full moon but i did not know this full moon will be seen by 8 Billions of Humankind and I warn a head of time it will be not good for world. In Brief of them is attack on IRAN. Mohsen BC. Would you expect anything else from 2020? The Nimitz strike group includes the USS Princeton and USS Philippine Sea, both guided-missile cruisers, and the guided-missile destroyer USS Sterett. – popular memes on the site ifunny.co The world community and establishment media remain silent about its existential threat to regional peace and stability. 0. US deploys tanks to Syria to protect troops as aircraft carrier moves into position to give them fighter protection after resurgence of ISIS and Russian ramming incident, The Army sent in six Bradley Fighting Vehicles, around 100 troops and Sentinel radar systems to North East Syria to protect US troops Here is clip that how we owe wrestling to him. “But I thought, maybe I can start over and make a brand new self as a virtual YouTuber.”, Virtual YouTubers are online personalities who use VR headsets and controllers to reflect their movements and voices through an online avatar. Iran denied it. We ask all go take cold showers and relax do not go to streets any where in the streets after 6pm local time. Iran terrorist is responsible for fires and riots in USA and elections as well.The Parastoo , Gorbeh hackers in Iran keep hacking around globe. I repeat double full moon OCT will be a lot of news quakes fires and Iran attack is highly likely. NHK NEWS JAPAN! Profile picture for user Tyler Durden In the northwestern city of Tabriz, the general manager of cemeteries announced September 29 that the majority of deaths in the city now resulted from the coronavirus. Mohammadzadeh is reportedly responsible for defacing more than 1,100 websites with pro-Iranian and pro-hacker messages. So, when a particular season had four moons, the third was dubbed a Blue Moon, so that the other full moons could occur at the proper times relative to the solstices and equinoxes. 125,000 people participated in one held this March. The banner ads inserted between paragraphs interrupt the flow of the article and hence a reader’s comprehension. If you’re too busy watching horror movies, you’ll have to wait until 2039 for another global full moon. this link is to an external site that may or may not meet accessibility guidelines. It comes after clashes between Iran and the US around the choke-point through which a fifth of the world’s daily oil supplies pass, which saw tankers attacked and a Navy drone shot out of the sky. Mohsen BC. “But in virtual space, I made friends who would watch over me. It is unclear who took subsequent legal action against the parents, Maryam Falahi, 36, and her husband Sam Khosravi, 37. Trump downplayed those injuries as “headaches and a couple of other things. So look forward to the blue moon this Halloween 2020! Claim: Halloween 2020 falls on a Saturday, on a full moon, and revelers have an extra hour in which to party due to Daylight Saving Time (DST) kicking in. State-backed Press TV published a video yesterday showing the third generation Zolfaqar-e Basir rocket. Iran’s Foreign Ministry has denied the report as “baseless” and “predictable … anti-Iranian accusations and falsification ahead of the U.S. presidential election.”, Trump used the report to threaten an overwhelming response against Iran, telling Fox News Tuesday, “If they do anything to anybody, they will be hit a thousand times harder than they hit us.”. Rosh Hashanah She died after a battle with metastatic pancreas cancer “I lost hope, I didn’t want to have anything to do with reality,” he says. It’s so bright at the full phase it doesn’t matter if you’re in a crowded city or out on the farm. Strange sounds , we the people of world appreciate your blog and can you please kindly give me some feed back is that OK since a lot of news coming with all double full moon , i have put it here . Here’s everything you need to know about 2020’s rare Halloween blue moon. Hosted by Kellee Edwards. In other words, the “Blue Moon” name was given to the “extra” moon so as not to disrupt the usual cycle that farmers had gotten used to, as full moons were named based on the harvests and time of the year. I’m pretty sure all the devil-worshipping necromancers will be working their witchcraft. For this reason, when a full moon lands on October 31, Halloween and astrology lovers near and far get pretty excited. One death was attributed to the hack after a woman in desperate need of urgent care was rerouted to another hospital in the metro area for treatment. Post compromise, “interestingly, the threat actors likely didn’t have a clear plan on what to do with the compromised networks,” said researchers, showing their lack of sophistication. Start listening to T+L's brand new podcast, Let's Go Together! Go to Instagram and twitter show your anger is safer? See more. A full moon occurs on Halloween every 18 to 19 years, and a blue moon only happens every two and a half to three years, according to Farmers’ Almanac, so this combination is a really rare event. Also One Iranian and PLO hackers were arrested by FBI for attacking the USA GOV and private firms. I cannot read articles on Strange Sounds any more. He designed a character and started posting videos. Commanders said the base would allow Iran to project ‘dominance’ in the region China and Taiwan ER NEWS for Strange Sounds readers. KHAMANIE SHAME SHAME LEAVE IRAN NOW?MEDICAL WORLD WIDE MARTIAL LAW. ISRAEL IS LOCK DOWN ALSO? He fell into a funk and soon found it difficult to even get out of bed. While we are observing around globe as we speak many cities in USA are still in rioting phases. You’ve probably heard the phrase “once in a blue moon” to describe something that rarely happens, but do you know how that phrase came to be? Follow her adventures on Instagram at @elizabetheverywhere. The commander-in-chief of the Revolutionary Guards called the end of the United States an “undeniable fact” in a speech on Saturday, September 20, stating that the revenge for the assassination of Qassem Soleimani was still “definite and serious.”, He also warned the US president in a boast: “Mr. The last time a Halloween full moon appeared was for the Central and Pacific time zones in 2001. It’s the region’s leading proponent of peace, stability, and cooperative relations with other nations. They are focusing their efforts on organizing events called ‘virtual markets’ at which participants can purchase goods as their avatars. That made me think it’s OK to live again.”. The world community knows that Iran’s agenda is peaceful, not confrontational, that its legitimate nuclear program has no military component — that the US and Israel pose an existential threat to the country and its people, not the other way around.