). “China's rapid industrialization left an unintended legacy of polluted industrial and commercial areas,” said Gustavo Fonseca, the GEF’s director of programs. The impact of climate change on human health: Some international implications. As the draft regional plan with the Finger Plan was not drawn up subject to statutory authority it had no legal effect, but because the municipalities had been consulted during its preparation its influence was significant.”[1], For the current eco-challenges, though, there is a strong support from all levels of government –national, regional, and municipal. Chemicals may be toxic to human beings and they may also be damaging to the environment through toxicity to animal and plant species. Report of the Panel On Urbanization. “The City of Copenhagen is governed by a council with representation from seven, mostly left-leaning, political parties. 1995.
Land pollution occurs when hazardous wastes contaminate soil and groundwater due to inadequate or irresponsible disposal measures. There are several technologies that can be used to dispose of the remaining waste. Modernising the district heating network to reduce heat losses from the pipes. J Natl Inst Health Res 4:51-54. A major disadvantage is that someone, inevitably, must live near one. European Series, No. Public attention tends to focus on carcinogens, industrial wastes, pesticides and radiation hazards.

This project will help clean up contaminated sites and improve its management of soil pollution.

In some cases, remediation is not feasible. establishes a comprehensive framework through national planning reports, and supervises national interests in municipal planning and national planning directives. Blakeslee, S. 1990. Harvard Med Alum Bull (Summer):32-36. Studies on the mechanism of systemic suppression of contact hypersensitivity by UVB radiation. Effects of urban air pollution on emergency visits for childhood asthma in Mexico City. 1985.

Urban Air Pollution in Megacities of the World.

Schultes, RE 1991. It represented a unique challenge for the Greater Copenhagen Area, spanning dense urban, suburban, green, and even agricultural spaces. 1993. US Senate, 100th Congress, First Session.

Another reason may be that the chronic effects of exposure to these toxic chemicals take a long time to develop and are very difficult to study.


1992. Dengue and dengue haemorrhagic fever. Dockery, DW and CA Pope. According to the 2015-2025 Regional Growth and Development Strategy, which was a commitment to further specific investments, quality of life means a sense of security, freedom, and an easy daily life. Effects of ambient air pollution on respiratory health of Mexican children with mild asthma.

Am Rev Respir Dis 145:276-282. Global Estimates for Health Situation, Assessment and Projections. Science 256:342-349. Coleman, MP, J Esteve, P Damiecki, A Arslan, and H Renard. The willingness and commitment from all sides to integrate expert advice with political willpower and citizen engagement do, however, appear to be central to the Finger Plan’s success. 1989.

Decreasing cardiovascular disease and increasing cancer among whites in the United States from 1973-1987. Lancet 343:714-718. In the last three decades, China’s rapid industrialization has lifted hundreds of millions out of poverty but has worsened its soil, air and water quality. Even underground, water flows downhill and will take the path of least resistance, and so the groundwater level will fall slightly in the direction of flow and the flow will be much faster through sand or gravel.

A decision must be made on how the site is to be remediated, or how best to achieve this reduction in exposure. Through the 2007 Finger Plan, the central government “tightened the finger city structure by curbing urban sprawl” and defined the station proximity principle more precisely, allowing for walking distances of 600m in the city core – or palm – and up to 1,200m in peripheral areas (the fingers). The eco-challenges were furthermore broken down into manageable smaller initiatives, however, gaps and open questions were also identified. Report of the Panel On Energy.

1980. Am J Trop Med Hyg 53:489-506. World Health Organization (WHO) Commission on Health and Environment.
Science 262 (November):1032-1034. Taking the shape of a national directive, the Finger Plan established a clear hierarchy for planning.

Since 2007, the minister for the environment has been responsible for overall planning in the Greater Copenhagen area via the preparation of national planning directives. Geneva:WHO, unpublished. Canberra: Australian Government Publishing Service. 1995. They do not guarantee that groundwater contamination will not occur in the future, although they are effective in minimizing this.

Certain statistics have not been updated since the production of the 4th edition of the Encyclopaedia (1998).". It enjoyed significant funding and involvement from public bodies (see Stakeholder Engagement above), but had limited political authority. [11], The alignment is strong, as specific responsibilities are assigned to the actors in relation to achievement of the objectives. Road safety a lethal problem in third world. We want as many changemakers as possible to learn how to design and deliver impactful policies and make our vision government a reality.

Acceptable clean-up levels must be decided upon, the extent to which exposure must ultimately be reduced to protect human health and the environment. London: Cambridge University Press. Join our network to receive a weekly bite-sized update on the conversations we're having with government problem solvers, policy trends we're tracking, tools we've developed for people in public services and events where you'll find us talking about how to find new solutions to some of government's trickiest challenges. This is seen as consistent with achieving growth and innovation together with sustainability – through clean air, water and soil, local health services, and infrastructure. Dold, C. 1992. Nature 249:810-814. The more advanced are built with recycling and processing facilities on-site or nearby to further reduce the waste that goes into the disposal site. For example, the goal of converting the energy mix to more renewable sources was split into seven distinct “energy initiatives”, including: The Plan also identified the need for a “system for storing energy over days and seasons and which can operate regardless of wind and weather conditions”, which was a gap in the delivery plan.

How does pollution affect humans? Dehalogenation is a chemical technology that strips the chlorine and bromine atoms from halogenated hydrocarbons, such as PCBs, so that they can be easily disposed of by incineration. Bruce-Chwatt’s Essential Malaniology. 1991.

—. However, the Finger Plan is now under the direct supervision of the Ministry of the Environment.

Am J Resp Crit Care Med 153:3-50.