Well, it’s just like in hockey, he says with a laugh: “The key thing is to stay healthy.” — Adrian Lee, Lisa LaFlamme, 50, has been the face and voice of CTV National News, Canada’s most watched news show—with more than one million viewers per night—since she succeeded Lloyd Robertson as chief anchor in 2011. Now the Weston family scion is stepping further into the weeds of the business as president of the merged company, in addition to being its executive chairman. — Brian Bethune, Up against Stephen Harper, a formidable long-serving incumbent, and Justin Trudeau, a flashy poll-topping interloper, Thomas Mulcair continues to more than hold his own—at least in the House of Commons. LaFlamme, originally from Kitchener, Ont., spent 20 years as a foreign correspondent, never saying no to an assignment. So how high can Stewart fly? Before reaching her career’s peak with the 1997 “Let’s Talk About Love,” which included the soundtrack for the blockbuster Titanic, “My Heart Will Go On,” she also gained worldwide commercial and critical recognition thanks to her 1993 “The Colour of My Love” and the 1996 “Falling Into You.”. The Liberals have led the other parties in national polls every month since Justin Trudeau became their leader. “It’s time to put Central Canada back at the centre of the map,” Couillard told reporters during an Ontario visit in October. bands, he acts as an unyielding barricade to the 1,170-km pipeline that Canada’s oil industry dearly wishes will deliver Alberta crude to the coast. No surprise that the newly named head of Canada’s biggest bank ranks the maximum five. Whatever brings in the billions. Of the city’s 219 polling stations, Iveson won an unbelievable 218. That means every federal leader will want to deliver on Ontario and Quebec priorities. Atleo, who got his business start by launching a coffee shop in east Vancouver, has long spearheaded First Nations collaboration with industry. They deserve “parity of esteem” with university grads, he says at every stop. Couillard gets along quite well with Harper. — Aaron Wherry. But her reach arguably exceeds even her father-in-law’s. — Chris Sorensen, Alberta’s Progressive Conservatives swept four by-elections Oct. 27, sending opposition parties into a spiral of soul-searching and confirming that Albertans are prepared to give their new premier a chance. It’s routinely said the CRTC oversight spans a $100-billion business undergoing a revolution. Tibi is the co-founder and current editor in chief of ZME Music. Each has good reason to need a friend. The first big push was for a federal program aimed at providing $15-a-day daycare, with any province an NDP government in Ottawa could coax into a deal. Ignore him at your peril, B.C. Their masterful combination of hard-rock with roots jazz made them one of history most sought at acts and earned the band millions of fans and records sold. — John Geddes, As the president and CEO of the Canada Pension Plan Investment Board, Mark Wiseman has more direct responsibility than anybody over the retirement incomes of millions of Canadians. With a resumé that includes stints in alternative radio and as a Much Music VJ, a 10-year run as the host of his own CBC television talk show and a couple of unsuccessful attempts to break into the U.S. market, Stroumboulopoulos was not an obvious choice. Her voice is distinctive, and her guitar playing is extremely versatile. — Adrian Lee. Trudeau has a knack for saying outrageous things—like turning the Canadian Forces’ CF-18 fleet into a phallic symbol—and his seemed-like-a-good-idea-at-the-time snap decisions have led him to eject every Liberal senator and two MPs from his caucus. “We have a health care system that was designed to meet the needs of younger Canadians, and now it needs to rapidly adapt to meeting the population it’s serving most,” Sinha says. In 2012, as the lead author of Ontario’s seniors strategy report, Sinha called for improving health care for older Canadians—and keeping them as physically active as possible—at a time when our ballooning aging population makes this a critical social issue.

But he did the day after by telling a parliamentary committee that young Canadians should consider taking unpaid work until things look up. His talents and influence are needed more than ever. Savage, He’s everywhere. Merrifield will have to walk a fine line between exploiting Republican attempts to use the pipeline as a partisan weapon, while preventing Canadian oil from becoming politically toxic for Democrats. “It’s sort of a sick thing to say, but it never ends in your life.” “There’s a lot of credit to go around to everyone who makes all of this possible,” he says. But this alliance between Wynne and Couillard is conscious and acknowledged by both. The winner of countless Grammy and Juno Awards, the Canadian beauty with a voice of gold Alanis Morissette has had her music reach the ears of millions of people around the world. It was a searing portrait of an epidemiological disaster, issued by a physician with scant time for diplomatic niceties. Alongside Genesis, Yes, Jethro Tull, Yes or Van Der Graaf Generator, the Torontonians of Rush were part of the progressive rock apex from the ’70s, to mid ’80s. Tom Waits and Kool Keith), [VIDEO] Massive Attack ft. Damon Albarn – ‘Saturday Come Slow’, [VIDEO] Cinematic Orchestra – Lilac Wine (sponsored by Dr. Martens), [Photos] Surfer Blood live @ The Social (Orlando, FL). In last fall’s municipal election, Iveson was a baby-faced two-term councillor going up against a more experienced colleague and a popular newspaper columnist. A former co-chair of the Canada-U.S. interparliamentary group, Merrifield arrives at an interesting time to continue the six-year battle to make Keystone XL a reality: a newly elected Republican majority takes power in the U.S. Senate in January, eager to legislate the cross-border pipeline into reality. Her recent promotion is further proof she’s on a singular upward trajectory. Now Vallée is back with the survival drama Wild, where Reese Witherspoon—who has mostly starred in failed romantic comedies since her 2006 Academy Award—stars as a woman hiking across the U.S. on a voyage of self-discovery and R-rated language. Hate her or love her, she’s one of Canada’s most prized gems and no one in their right minds can possible deny her incredible talent. Nations can have disproportionate influence in world culture and affairs based sheerly on individual talent. But Hogben is not one to point fingers. He’d had enough of Ottawa, he declared. “I’ve never had to build a crematorium in the middle of my mission and burn 100 bodies in the same day,” she told Maclean’s in October. Long counted as one of the more progressive minds in hockey, Tom Renney is now steward of Canada’s game at its grassroots level. And not even as recently as 2013, when Mike Duffy was hanging around his neck like the world’s biggest albatross, a popular bet in the Bytown saloons was that Harper would quit before Labour Day. Jack Layton’s affable appearances, cane in hand, paved the way for the NDP’s Orange Wave in the 2011 federal election. Haute cuisine doesn’t have a low price tag. “And our lands and waters are now dependent on us.” — Nancy Macdonald, Joe Oliver, Canada’s 74-year-old federal finance minister, automatically wields clout as the man governing the economy. Howe Institute, Conference Board of Canada and Royal Ontario Museum. “They really are quite compatible,” an aide to Wynne said. It has also grown more commercial, merchandising its maple-leaf logo, aggressively marketing its marquee tournaments and doing its utmost to capitalize on Olympic hype. In case your Latin is a little rusty, that translates as, “I have fought and conquered.” Her familial claim to that boast aside, Byrne has the political record to justify the ink. For the last 15 years, Leonard Cohen has been pretty elusive, only releasing some new material from to time, but with no live appearances whatsoever  – until last year that is, when he embarked on a massive tour which continues to present day. The daughter of one documentary filmmaker—Bonnie Sherr Klein, famous for her anti-pornography movie Not a Love Story—Klein is married to another, Avi Lewis, son of journalist Michele Landsberg and former Ontario NDP leader and Canadian ambassador to the UN, Stephen Lewis. From dirty doctors to Rob Ford’s crack smoking to Jian Ghomeshi’s alleged sex assaults, Cooke’s mission to blow the lid off corruption and deception has the country taking note. But, just as Clark’s fate rested on LNG last year, her re-election in 2017 will hinge entirely on her ability to get at least one of the potential gas projects up and running. In the tumult of the Ford era, Toronto had been eclipsed by Vancouver and Calgary among cities embracing their growing economic and cultural importance, and its voice was missed. — Aaron Hutchins.
Even Harper’s own supporters might blanche at the notion that he should rank in their company. In shutting the door on the traumatizing Rob Ford era, Tory has roughed in an electoral bridge between Toronto’s downtown and its increasingly alienated suburbs, where Rob and Doug Ford had built a formidable support base.