The military chain of command constructs an important component for organized collective action.[3]. Base of the noncommissioned officer ranks and abbreviated CPL.

Enlisted Soldiers are the backbone of the Army. Typically have special mentorship responsibilities for other warrant officers and provide essential advice to commanders on warrant officer issues. They received their authority from superior officers rather than the king. Warrant officers in the rank or grade of CW5 are senior field grade officers. Strength typically ranges from 1,500 to 3,500 personnel. A captain or equivalent rank commands a company, usually consisting of four platoons (three line platoons and one heavy weapons platoon). For example, if a cohort broke in battle, the typical punishment was decimation, in which every tenth soldier, selected by lot, was killed. This gave rise to the modern ranks of major and major general. Military ranks are a system of hierarchical relationships in armed forces, [1] police, [2] intelligence agencies or other institutions organized along military lines. In some countries and services, personnel in different branches have different titles.

There also exists the specialty ranks of General of the Armies of the United States and Admiral of the Navy which at their inception were considered senior four star officers but came to be considered six-star rank after the creation of five star officers. Each century was led by a centurion (centurio, traditionally translated as captain), who was assisted by a number of junior officers, such as an optio. The army was built upon a squad of ten (aravt) led by an appointed chief. There were heavy cavalry and wing cavalry (ilè) units, the latter commanded by an ilarchos. Most of the police forces of the United Kingdom use a standardised set of ranks, with a slight variation in the most senior ranks for the Metropolitan Police Service and City of London Police. Below him was the tagmatarches, a commanding officer of a tagma (near to the modern battalion). These ranks have often been discontinued, such as in Germany and Canada, or limited to wartime or honorific promotion, such as in the United Kingdom and the United States. The fighting men in the legion were formed into "ranks", rows of men who fought as a unit. The brigada was a 17th-century form of the modern "task force". As a result, a full squad numbers 13 individuals. A commander needed to be equipped with imperium, a politico-religious concept.

The next unit was a regiment of a thousand (myangat) led by an appointed noyan. As a result, the rank of lance corporal was derived from combining lancepesade and corporal. Commanded by a lieutenant colonel with a command sergeant major as the primary NCO assistant. The army of ancient Persia consisted of manageable military groupings under the individual commands. In many Commonwealth countries the field rank of brigadier is used, although it fills the position held by brigadier general in other countries. Originally these generals worked together with the old polemarchos ("warlord") but over time the latter figure was absorbed into the generalship: each of the ten generals would rotate as polemarch for one day, and during this day his vote would serve as tie-breaker if necessary.

In the 17th century, the sergeant of the colonel was the sergeant major. Company grade officers also fill staff roles in some units.

Appointment is the instrument by virtue of which the person exercises his or her authority.

In the United Kingdom and most other Commonwealth air forces, air-officer ranks usually include air chief marshal, air marshal, air vice-marshal and air commodore.

These were field officers, third in command of their regiments (after their colonels and lieutenant colonels), with a role similar to the older, army-level sergeants major (although obviously on a smaller scale). George Washington was posthumously promoted to the post in 1976. Therefore, the Army provides the combatant commander with an interlocking array of higher headquarters trained and equipped to apply landpower from the theater level, through the operational level, and down to the tactical employment of various brigades, groups, and battalions. [9] Individual soldiers were referred to as soldiers (milites) or legionaries (legionarii). Commissioned officers are the managers, problem solvers, key influencers and planners who lead enlisted Soldiers in all situations. In some countries, the more senior rank of commodore is also included. Not all units are as troop intensive as infantry forces need to be. Considering such a variety of units, the command sizes for any given rank will vary widely. Responsible for developing, maintaining and utilizing the full range of the Soldier's potential. The word is derived from the 17th-century French peloton, meaning a small ball or small detachment of men, which came from pelote, a ball.

Assists officers at the company level (60 to 200 Soldiers). The other tribunes are called tribuni angusticlavii and are equivalent to staff officers in both senses of the term: of ranks major, lieutenant colonel, colonel, and with administrative duties. Sometimes personnel serve in an appointment which is higher than their actual rank. Beyond this, in any real situation, not all units will be at full strength and there will be various attachments and detachments of assorted specialists woven throughout the system. [citation needed]. The commissioned officer carrying the (infantry) company's flag was the ensign. Normally commanded by a captain, a first sergeant is the commander’s principal assistant. Centuries were further broken into ten contubernia of eight soldiers each.

Provide leader development, mentorship, advice, and counsel to warrant officers and branch officers. Over time, the sergeant was dropped from both titles since both ranks were used for commissioned officers. NCOs are appointed by an instrument of appointment, a written document, often a certificate, usually from the service head. A battalion task-force is a battalion-size unit with additional companies attached in direct support to enhance mission capability. The commander could appoint a deputy, a so-called legate (legatus). An equivalent elsewhere within the same marine expeditionary force (MEF) might be a MEF logistics group (MLG), which is not a regimental-sized unit (as the word "group" implies), but rather a large support unit consisting of several battalions of support personnel.

Technically and tactically focused officers who perform the primary duties of technical leader, trainer, operator, manager, maintainer, sustainer, and advisor. Armored Cavalry units of this size are referred to as regiments.