The landscape of Miranda has belts that are concentrations of toughs and ridges in between each of the coronae. 3D computer models used to examine Miranda are also being used to get an idea of how Earth’s surface may have changed as well as other planets and moons. The brightest of the moons around Uranus is Ariel, and Miranda has a surface that is almost as bright as Ariel. In comparison to the Earth’s moon, it only measures up at around 14% of it’s size. The novella by G. David Nordley from Analog Science Fiction entitled “Into the Miranda Rift” was set on Miranda. Miranda is one of the five major natural satellites (moons) of the planet Uranus. The coronae are collections of valleys and ridges that have a sprinkling of craters and are separated by heavier and potentially older cratered terrain. This would have created variations of water with a slushy consistence that may have arisen to the surface, causing the surface to crumple as the water refroze. The computer game Descent’s level 18 occurs in a mine on the moon of Miranda. NASA didn’t have a choice in sending Voyager 2 close to Miranda because it needed to flyby to get the boost that was required to head to Neptune. As researchers continue to study Miranda they make note of the 3 giant coronae features that are considered to be unique.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'coolaboo_com-banner-1','ezslot_9',109,'0','0'])); Crudely shaped, they are either trapezoids or ovals, and each one4 is around 120 mi/200 km wide. The masses of the moons range from 6.7 × 10 19 kg (Miranda) to 3.5 × 10 21 kg (Titania). Umbriel is the darkest moon and Ariel the brightest. Miranda is one of the five major natural satellites (moons) of the planet Uranus. Miranda was discovered on February 16th, 1948, by Gerard Kuiper. However, none of the moons reflect more than around 1/3 of the light from the sun that hits them. It was the last moon of Uranus to be discovered prior to Voyager 2's visit in 1986. Uranus is 1.784 billion miles from the sun. What position in Uranus’ orbit does Miranda have? The three coronae were named after places in some of Shakespeare’s plays: Elsinore, Arden, and Inverness.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'coolaboo_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_10',110,'0','0'])); Since the coronae are so bizarre and unique, scientists have tried to develop theories on how they formed. It’s a weird little moon, sort of like the strangest sister in an already odd family. It’s known that Uranus’ gravity does generate tidal forces in the same way that our moon does to our planet. Miranda Moon Facts. A close-up picture of the craters on Miranda. Miranda shares the same cycle of extreme seasons as Uranus due to the tilt of its parent planet. Miranda is one of the smallest objects in our Solar System that obtained its round shape from its own gravity. Miranda has a surface topography that baffles scientists. For comparison, the Moon has a mass of 7.5 × 10 22 kg. With a diameter of around 293 mi/471 km, Miranda has been called the “Frankenstein” of moons because its appearance is so strange. Of course, some scientists look at Miranda and call it an exotic and beautiful moon. Researchers explain that this condition indicates that Miranda has a porous surface, casting reflectivity-decreasing shadows when other angles illuminate it. The coronae on Miranda have very few craters but do have a lot of valleys and ridges. What unusually beautiful feature does Miranda have. Scientists have seen that tidal forces that exist on other objects in our solar system are a lot bigger than those of Earth. All Rights Reserved. Uranus has 5 moons and Miranda is the innermost moon and probably the weirdest looking of all moons.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'coolaboo_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_2',104,'0','0'])); People have compared Miranda to “Frankenstein’s monster,” as it is a strange bunch of parts that don’t look like they belong together and were never properly merged. Apparently, … In the case of Jupiter, which has an enormous gravitation pull, it can cause solid rock surfaces of Io to bulge out as much as 300 ft/90 m, which in turn, is the engine that heats up the interior to cause volcanic eruptions. Miranda est la plus petite des cinq principales lunes en orbite autour d'Uranus. The Voyager 2 flyby of Miranda was only able to observe the southern hemisphere that was pointed at the Sun. Opposition is a situation where the viewer is directly between the sun and the object (Miranda). The goal was to see if these tidal forces would be enough to generate the kind of heat needed. Miranda is also known as Uranus V. Miranda is named after a character in the Shakespeare play "The Tempest". Miranda was discovered in telescopic photos of the Uranian system by Gerard P. Kuiper on Feb. 16, 1948 at the McDonald Observatory in western Texas. The spacecraft didn’t get images of the northern hemisphere. It has been noted that when Miranda is in “opposition,” there is a dramatic increase in the brightness. A picture of a complete view of the Miranda moon. Miranda is mostly made up of ice and may have some material closer to the core that is rock. In the play, she stays single throughout the entirety of the play and is entirely obedient to Prospero. The question remains where the heat came from to cause the domes to rise. Scientists think that the influence of the gravity of Uranus on Miranda has caused a constant state of stretching and squeezing so that Miranda’s internal contents are in a steady state of heating up and churning.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'planetsforkids_org-medrectangle-4','ezslot_7',198,'0','0'])); The landscape of Miranda includes a lot of deformities and extremes, and is the most unusual among all of the extraterrestrial objects. Miranda has no detected atmosphere or magnetosphere.eval(ez_write_tag([[728,90],'planetsforkids_org-box-4','ezslot_8',187,'0','0'])); Miranda doesn’t have any of the requirements needed to begin or sustain life as we know it. Miranda has a surface topography that baffles scientists. The NASA Voyager 2 spacecraft took images of the southern hemisphere of Miranda in 1986 during its flyby of Uranus. Miranda was the last moon orbiting Uranus to be found before the launch of the 1986 Voyager 2 spacecraft. Scientist have long wondered what caused Miranda to look like it does and now some think they have an explanation.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'coolaboo_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_3',107,'0','0'])); Uranus’ gravitational pull on Miranda has caused constant stretching and squeezing on the inside of Miranda that heats up, churns, and causes the deformations. Miranda has experienced geological activity that was likely caused by tidal heating when this little moon was in orbital resonance with its neighbour Umbriel. Miranda was discovered on February 16th, 1948, by Gerard Kuiper. Some feel that at one point in its history, Miranda could have been involved in a horrific collision that caused it to become shattered and then it later came together to be reassembled in such a strange way. This creates patches on the surface that are mismatched with sharper boundaries that lead into giant canyons. The musical group Pink Floyd created the 1967 song Astronomy Domine and has a line in the song that mentions Miranda. There are some scientists that are indicating that the gravitational pull of Uranus on Miranda might have been enough to cause original heating and churning to create the coronae. Separating the coronae are concentrated belts of troughs and ridges that are highly crated.