The CIA World Factbook does not have any information about CO2 emissions in their Northern Mariana Islands page, and the EIA lists carbon dioxide emissions for the Northern Mariana Islands as “NA” (Not Available). Information provided on the countries in this article is based on data from 1961 to 2013 from the Global Footprint Network’s National Footprint Accounts published in 2016. Ecological footprints and biocapacities vary greatly between countries. Its ecological footprint per capita is 8.22 hectares and its biocapacity per capita is 3.76 hectares. The region with the highest per capita carbon dioxide emissions is Wyoming, and the region with the lowest per capita carbon dioxide emissions is the District of Columbia.

U.S. carbon emissions did fall by 14% between 2005 and 2017, although recent and looser regulations over things like power plant and vehicle emission standards has led to … Between 2014 and 2016, the United Kingdom’s carbon footprint dropped 11.7% driving the country’s total ecological footprint down by 8.8%. Source for territories (population): CIA World Factbook (2016 captures) for 2016 populations,[4][note 10] plus 2019 versions of the CIA World Factbook which contain 2017 carbon dioxide data for four of the five territories[5][6][7][8], Tableau Public Chart of the 2014 data on Tableau Public.

This means that the population’s demand for natural resources exceeds its supply, which can lead to depletion and high emissions of carbon dioxide into the air. 326,858,707 total). The U.K. has the fifth-largest ecological deficit in the world of -483.83. The supply side of the ecological footprint, a given population’s biocapacity represents the productivity of its ecological assets. (Washington, DC: World Resources Institute, 2014)", "NDC reporting: making the Paris Agreement Transparency Framework work", "Top 10 tips for combating climate change revealed", "Will the Cop26 climate conference be a national embarrassment for Britain? Average carbon dioxide (CO₂) emissions per capita measured in tonnes per year. If a given population’s biocapacity exceeds its ecological footprint, it has an ecological reserve. India represents about 6% of the world’s ecological footprint. But even a relatively short return trip from London to Rome carries a carbon footprint of 234kg of CO2 per passenger – more than the average produced by citizens of 17 countries annually. Global Water Usage: How do Countries Compare?

The world is home to over 7.5 billion people, but they aren’t distributed evenly across the globe. The demand side measures the ecological assets a population needs to produce the natural resources it consumes and to absorb its carbon emissions and other waste. These data do not include emissions from other activity such as agriculture, industrial processes, or waste management.[1][2]. Total is for the 50 states, the District of Columbia, American Samoa, Guam, Puerto Rico and U.S. Virgin Islands. [3] It has been suggested that countries over the averaged be carbon taxed and the funds raised given to countries under the average.[4]. Comparison of water footprints from select countries. You can find your country’s water footprint – the amount of water different countries use – on the Water Footprint Network, which provides statistics for most countries’ virtual water imports and exports and for the total water footprint of national consumption. If a given population’s ecological footprint exceeds its biocapacity, that population has an ecological deficit. The average US ecological footprint is about 50% larger than the average person in most European countries. The chart above and table below both show data compiled by the International Energy Agency, which estimates carbon dioxide (CO 2) emissions from the combustion of coal, natural gas, oil, and other fuels, including industrial waste and non-renewable municipal waste.

[2] The global average annual carbon footprint per person in the late 2010s was 0.7 tonnes CO2eq food, 1.1 tonnes from the home, 0.8 tonnes transport and 0.8 tonnes other.

If only the 50 states and D.C. are included, total is 100%. India’s total ecological deficit is -878.05 hectares. Additionally, California has the same ecological footprint as France. CO2 emissions (metric tons per capita) Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center, Environmental Sciences Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Tennessee, United States. This is a list of U.S. states and territories by carbon dioxide emissions due to human activity.

The decline stems in part from a decrease in China’s total carbon Footprint by 0.7 percent and its per-person carbon Footprint by … Promoted by the Global Footprint Network, the ecological footprint can help individuals understand their consumption and impact on the planet; countries improve sustainability and well-being, and local leaders optimize investments for public projects. With the largest population of any country in the world at about 1.4 billion combined with inefficient resource use, China is depleting its resources quickly. The world’s countries emit vastly different amounts of heat-trapping gases into the atmosphere. China’s total ecological deficit is -3,435.62, the largest in the world. If the total is for states, D.C. and territories, the percent for only states and D.C. (out of that group) is 98.84%, Puerto Rico 2016 population derived from Census, not CIA World Facebook, List of U.S. states by carbon dioxide emissions, Greenhouse gas emissions by the United States, Comparisons of life-cycle greenhouse gas emissions, List of countries by carbon dioxide emissions, List of countries by greenhouse gas emissions, List of countries by carbon dioxide emissions per capita, List of countries by greenhouse gas emissions per capita, List of companies by carbon dioxide emissions per year, Inventory of U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks,, "U.S. Greenhouse Gas Inventory Report: 1990-2014",,,,,,,,,, Energy-Related Carbon Dioxide Emissions by State, 2000-2015, Interactive graphs and maps of the 2014 data on Tableau Public, An interactive visualization of the CO2 emissions for each state based on this data, List of states and territories of the United States,, Greenhouse gas emissions in the United States, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, The 'States and D.C. Total' value represents the sum of, Numbers for territories include only fossil fuel numbers — they do not include petroleum, natural gas, and coal numbers.<-- should the U.S. territories include these numbers?—>, This page was last edited on 12 September 2020, at 01:05. The region with the highest total carbon dioxide emissions is Texas, and the region with the lowest total carbon dioxide emissions is American Samoa. India. Coal usage now accounts for 13.9% of Italy’s total fossil fuel carbon emissions. The ecological footprint is a metric that measures human demand on natural capital or the quantity of nature it takes to support a given population or economy. The U.S. has more suburban sprawl, less public transportation, and uses more energy and water per person than other comparable, developed countries. The data presented below are energy-related greenhouse emissions (C)2-equivalent) only, published by … Percentages for territories are the percent they would be if territories were included in the total. Japan’s ecological footprint is 5.02 hectares per capita and its biocapacity is 0.72 hectares per capita. Of course, absolute emissions don’t tell the full story. While India’s ecological footprint is relatively low, its biocapacity is much lower, leading to its large deficit. The U.S. has more suburban sprawl, less public transportation, and uses more energy and water per person than other comparable, developed countries. Your footprint is 0.00 metric tons per year; The average footprint for people in United States is 16.49 metric tons; The average for the European Union is about 6.4 metric tons; The average worldwide carbon footprint is about 5 metric tons; The worldwide target to combat climate change is 2 metric tons Emissions per capita within the country grew rapidly between 1950 and 1974. CO 2 emission per capita per year per state (2011 data). China’s Ecological Footprint per person also decreased by 0.8 percent from 2013 to 2014. 2016 populations: 323,127,513 (50 states + DC) + 54,194 (AS) + 162,742 (GU) + 53,467 (MP) + 3,411,307 (PR) + 102,951 (VI) — 50 states, DC & Puerto Rico data from Census; other territories data from CIA World Factbook (2016 captures).

Although the U.K.’s ecological deficit is the fifth-highest in the world, the country seems to be moving in the right direction. The Northern Mariana Islands is not ranked in the table below because there is no data for that territory. Having a footprint smaller than biocapacity is a necessary condition for the sustainability of humanity. The total population is the 50 states, District of Columbia, and 5 inhabited self-governing territories. [1] The emissions data do not include land-use change and forestry, nor emissions from the consumption of imported goods. The ecological footprint has a demand side and a supply side. The U.K.’s ecological footprint per capita is 7.93 hectares and its biocapacity per capita is 0.56 hectares. Additionally, California has the same ecological footprint as France. The average US ecological footprint is about 50% larger than the average person in most European countries.